Monday, 30 March 2015

Week 9 - One game down, one more to go - 23/3/15 & 24/3/15

Week 9
So the first game was handed in, and we were tasked to start creating the second game, which has to have a "Medieval" theme. This game allows a bit less restrictions in its creation. The camera is allowed to move and we are allowed to use character controllers for the player. This allows the game to be more dynamic. The documentation needs to be done first before the game can be made.

More posts will be added as the game is developed

Monday, 23 March 2015

Week 8 - Multitasking Live Updates at 2am - 16/3/15 & 17/3/15

Week 8 Blog Post
2:22am: Writing this blog post at 2:22am on Monday morning to summarize what was done during week 8 doesn't seem like a good idea to anyone else reading this, but to me it is a great idea. I have time to finish and polish off my game for this subject while watching the football team I support, Chelsea, play live in England, so it is the perfect reason to be awake at this time. Presently Chelsea are winning 2-0, so everything is going to plan....

2:27am: Well, Hull City (the team that Chelsea are playing against) have scored, so it's now 2-1. It could be worse....

2:28am: It is worse. Hull City have somehow scored again. 2-2 now. I can't even talk about my Space game without focusing on the match. Ahh, the life of a mad fanatic. 

2:29am: My computer monitor has more programs open than a TV shop owner. Lucky the screen is big enough to accommodate all these open tabs.

2:31am: Finally, a lull in the sporting match, so i can talk about my game. Everything was finished off during the week, with the problems that I encountered last week with programming sorted out, models textured and audio added to the game. Also a menu system was designed, but the main focus was on the game level. There may be one or two aspects that i may not get to fully complete, like the timer stopping when the player is destroyed, and the score being shown upon the Win/Lose screen. Hopefully in the time between now and class today (23/3/15) I can figure out the respective code and finish it off. But aside from this, the rest of the game works how i want it to.

2:52am: The match is 2-2 at half time, hopefully Chelsea can get the win.

3:26am: The match is still at 2-2, and there's only 20 minutes left. Get a goal, boys! In other news, the textures won't show on my explosion in the game. I don't know why, all the textures are there, but they won't show. So annoying. 

3:36am: My prayers are answered! Chelsea have scored! Winning 3-2 with 12 minutes left. And also, the textures have now appeared on the explosion! Good times!

3:52am: Full time and Chelsea win 3-2! Really important win. I've also done what i need to on my game, sleep is necessary now, 3 hours should be enough??

P.S: I gave up celebrating my 19th birthday on Saturday for this assessment, it better pay off.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Week 7 - So frustrating... - 9/3/15 & 10/3/15

Week 7
As the days continue to pass the production of the space game continues, with many aspects still to work on with the due date slowly encroaching towards us. This week was a bit slow production wise, as the code that i wanted to write just wouldn't work. No matter how many times I tried and how many different ways of writing this specific type of code, it just wouldn't work. So that really slowed up progress.

But with every failed attempt progress to success was still achieved, and i had to put this specific aspect of code on standby and work on other parts of the game. With the game due in one week and a fair amount of work to do, aspects need to be figured out quickly, but i believe that i can get the completed game done by next week.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Week 6 - Game development is in progress... - 2/3/15 & 3/3/15

Week 6 – Development is in progress…

So we are still working on creating our space game. It’s coming along together slowly, but the main aspects have been scripted and developed into the main level. Initially, remembering how to write movement scripts was a bit too much, but after referencing tutorials and researching questions over the ‘net’ I was able to get the movement and rotation of the main player, so when he moves from left to right the ship banks each way, as well as banking up and down when the character moves.

After completing this, the focus is now on how to get the background to move inwards slowly,, giving off the impression that the player is flying through space without the game camera actually moving. Also, a GUI menu also has to be developed, but as this is past work then it can be simply done.

But for now, the slow grind to game completion continues….