Monday, 13 April 2015

Week 11 - Game Idea Change - 13/4/15

Week 11
After thinking about the game idea that i have chosen and deliberated upon, I have decided to change my original idea from doing a catapult game to creating a village assault style game, where the player has to throw flaming torches into a village and destroy it. The following aspects of the game will need to be changed in order to make the game work:

  • Player - The player will now be a character that throws flaming torches instead of a catapult.
  • Score - The score will now be a percentage based score, where the player has to gain a certain amount of damage to pass the level.
  • Enemies - The enemies in the game will now be village huts, where the player has to burn down the huts to beat the level.
  • Objectives - There will be a special hut for the player to destroy, and this will act as a special bonus.
We also have to include an AI element into the game, most simply to use a NavMesh and create something that travels along that NavMesh. There is a lot to do but it is achievable before the due date.

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