Thursday, 23 April 2015

Week 12.2 - Medieval Game Handed In - 21/4/15

Week 12
So the submission date for the game was on Tuesday for the coding aspect, and today (Thursday) for the visual side of the game. Mark, our coding teacher, gave us some leeway to handing in, which is also today. So this allowed me to have a few days to finish the game off fully.

Where I left this blog off on Monday i was preparing to deal with the mad pressure of booking tickets to AC/DC. I achieved this successfully, after much hassle and site crashing. After that i had completed most of the coding and Tuesday had finished off the last remaining factors that were the camera and AI/NavMesh aspects, I handed in the coding part fully completed, yet all i needed to finish off was the AI character.

And after today I have completed the AI character, also giving him an audio source that makes him scream when he is spawned in, which is when one of the torches hits the hut. Mad. This fully completes the game and now i can hand it in both for the coding and visual submissions.

There is only one known problem that i know, which is when loading the second game level after the loading screen. If it is running off the desktop or a USB, basically somewhere where it will be slow and laggy, it'll glitch out. Yet if it is run off a drive it will perform fine. I don't know how to fix this. I'm not good enough.

So that now this game is handed in, there will be one more post that will show the visuals of the game. I forgot to capture screenshots while the game was in production, so i'll try my best to replicate this with the finished game, otherwise I will show different aspects.

Now we move on to the final assessment for both the Programming and Game Design classes, which is the group game. This game is to be designed and made as a group of 3. The other members in my group that we picked are known as the "Brothers of Swole", James and Stevo. We should get along quite well in the production of the final game, and we should have a good game created by the due date in week 16.

Watch this space.

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